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Maintaining the fine Grade 1 Withyham Church and the ministry costs money!

The financial needs of the Parish include maintaining both the fine Grade 1 Church at Withyham, the early 20th Century Church at Blackham and paying for the costs of ministry. 


In recent years, apart from the installation of a new heating system at Withyham Church, we have been fortunate in not having incurred any large bills on either of the Church buildings.  There are, however, always costs associated with the day to day running of both Churches.  Two of the largest are heating and the cost of maintaining the two Churchyards.

Ministry costs inevitably continue to rise.  Our Parish Share to the Diocese is £31,800 for 2022.  This is a contribution towards the upkeep and running costs of the fine Grade 2 Rectory, as well as towards Diocesan and the National C of E costs such as the training of ordinands and clergy pensions.  

We often receive very generous donations from members of our congregations and other supporters. Many people give regularly through the relatively new Parish Giving Scheme (PGS).  This online method of giving is the most beneficial way of regularly giving to the Parish and the Scheme has been particularly invaluable during the Coronavirus pandemic when we weren’t able to worship in Church or have collections in Church.  

Its advantages are: 

  • It is free to us

  • It administers our direct debits and recovers our tax for us

  • It offers inflation-proof giving.

For tax payers, a donation making use of the Gift Aid scheme remains an option when the Parish is able to increase your gift by 25%.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of giving financially to Withyham or Blackham Churches, please do speak to our PCC Treasurer, Anne Barker: 01892 661393

We are very grateful to all who support us financially in any way.

Image by Howard Bouchevereau
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