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James Campbell meets with Notable Parishioners

Arthur Harris

Robin Ashby

Rosemary Russell

Richard Standring

Susan Derry

John Collins

June Marchant

Alan Rabson

June Noble

Remembering Arthur Harris

by Arthur’s family

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Arthur died on 30th October aged 97, and was Priest-in-Charge of Withyham from 1987-1996. This is an abridged version of the tribute read at his funeral on 27th November 2024.

Arthur Emlyn Dawson Harris, born on 7th January 1927 to William and Ann at Barnard Castle, County Durham. William Harris was from Caernarfon and Ann Pike was from a long line of shepherds and farm labourers on Salisbury Plain. The pair met when Ann went to live with sister Louie and her husband Arthur Trowbridge, the superintendent of Caernarfon Castle, for whom Arthur was named. William’s work with the Ministry of Works, Ancient Monuments Division, meant that Arthur and his sister Myrtle moved around the country a great deal. 


One of the first priorities with every move was to find a church community to join. While they were living in Plymouth, their mother felt that Myrtle and Arthur would benefit from attending Miss M Uglow’s Seaman’s Mission in Devonport. Aged eleven Arthur gave his life to Jesus Christ: there had probably been little doubt that this was the direction his life would take.

Arthur received his schooling at Caernarfon, Devonport, Bishop Wordsworth’s Salisbury, and Exeter School; during the holidays he worked on his cousin’s farm near Salisbury. With the 1939-45 war coming to an end in Arthur’s final year, the recommendation was that he should go on to study for a BSc at Exeter University before being inducted to officer training, and National Service with the Royal Army Education Corps at Sandhurst.

On leave from his first posting at Catterick, Arthur travelled to Belfast to stay with the brother-in-law of the pastor of his parent’s church. On the first morning there, he met nineteen-year-old Hazel Robinson. It was a long romance, conducted by letter and occasional visits, and they were finally married five years later in July 1952.

Beginning a career in banking, Arthur started work at the Lloyds Cornhill branch. He and Hazel set up home in Bristol, where Colleen and Gareth were born. The move to Broxbourne in Hertfordshire, where Robin was born, brought a new hobby, beekeeping. Arthur started work at Head Office as a founder member of the Research and Development Group. Then came a series of posts: Banking Inspector, heading up the Pay Service, the Machines Department, the City Computer Centre, then to Clearing, and finally General Management. As Chairman of the Inter-Bank Committee, he pioneered the sort code, which appears on cheque books and bank cards, and also had a role in ushering in the era of the cashpoint.

Clearly, he was a capable and efficient manager, but it was an equally clear rule for him that the commitment to the bank ended punctually at 5.00pm and home to Tunbridge Wells. There were other important commitments with the Baptist Tabernacle in Grosvenor Road. With the option to take early retirement looming, Arthur set about renewing his studies. After a period of considerable soulsearching with Hazel, he felt called to be ordained in the Church of England, and the Southwark Ordination course.

Retirement from the bank, and ordination at Chichester Cathedral both came in 1986, followed by a curacy at Frant with Eridge, and the appointment as Priest-in-Charge at Withyham with Blackham. Difficult to put into words what a great privilege it was for him to devote himself to the life of the parish, to participate in the worship and sacraments of a community where he and Hazel found so many friends and received so much help and support.

After nine years, and at the age of 69, he and Hazel retired again, this time to Salisbury, where they entered fully into the life of the Cathedral. There were duties in outlying parishes, including at Bemerton, and house swaps with clergy from Canada and across the US, as well as Western Ireland and the Azores.

Their move to Crowborough in 2012 and resumption of worship at Withyham was a source of great joy to Hazel and Arthur. Celebrating their 90th birthdays with friends at the Withyham Rectory, and at Eridge Village Hall were high points. The final years, with opportunities to travel and attend events diminishing, he bore with great fortitude, never complaining, considerate of others, and taking great comfort in music, meditations from the lectionary, and communion at home.

Meeting Robin Ashby

If anyone could claim to be ‘Mr. Blackham’, it must be Robin, having almost lived all his life on Willetts Farm. His father had inherited the farm from Robin’s grandfather who moved there in 1912 and then bought it from the Haig family’s Highfield Estate in 1920. Robin grew up with his five siblings, older sister Jean, and after him twins Peter and Tom and sisters Beryl and Hazel.

Robin attended Blackham School during the latter part of World War Two. He remembers the children taking it in turns to stand outside with a helmet on when doodlebugs flew over. Being in the flight path to London, a number of bombs dropped on Willetts Farm, one killing a number of beef cattle. 


Robin latterly went to school in Groombridge. Some days, before school he would drive the Ford pick-up to with food for the poultry kept at Villa Farm – aged 14½ - 15! From the early days, with his brothers he played both for Blackham Football Club and cricket at Ashurst. The family seldom went away for long, but did enjoy days out at St. Mary’s Bay near Dungeness on a Sunday.


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After school Robin spent one year at Plumpton Agricultural College. He was then called up for National Service, which he spent with the RAF including a posting in Cyprus during the Lebanon Crisis in 1958. His work was mainly as a driver, including of fuel tankers, and as a crane operator, as well as carrying repairs to aircraft engines and dealing with water supplies.

On his return home, Robin married Audrey at Otford near Sevenoaks in 1960. At that time the farm had a dairy herd and reared calves for beef, kept pigs which were sent to the butcher Peter Fry at East Grinstead and arable crops which were used for feed for the stock.

Audrey had worked as a nurse at Pembury in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s when Blackham was unfortunately known as ‘the polio village’ for a time. Thereafter, she was principally an active farmer’s wife. In due course their son Kevin took over the farm from Robin, continuing with the milking cows. For 29 years from 1989, Willetts Farm was well known for their ice cream. Tragically Kevin died in 2021. Their daughter Nicola worked in London before moving to Hawaii several years ago. Her two daughters are both officers in the United States Airforce and live in Texas.

Robin has always been active in the local community. He was on the Parish Council representing Blackham for an extraordinary 40 years. Much, of course, has changed during Robin’s life: the School has long gone, and more recently the Sussex Oak pub and the genial ex-policeman behind the bar who liked people to help themselves! Gone as well are the two shops – the Post Office having originally been next to the Church before moving to the main road. The latter was for many years run by Mrs. Winnie Wickham – a renowned local character. She delivered goods on her sit-up-and-beg bike during her lunch hour; there was always a stew cooking on the top of the oil heater. Paperwork was not her forte – so every month an official came out from Tunbridge Wells to sort it out: how times have changed!

Today, Robin and Audrey continue live happily in their bungalow on the farm where Robin has spent virtually the whole of his life.


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Meeting Rosemary Russell

Rosemary grew up in Triples Cottage, Station Road – the house that she lived in all of her life until she moved to Crowborough in 2010. As her parents were older, and her father more than 20 years older than her mother, for Rosemary and her older sister it sometimes felt like being brought up by grandparents.


Rosemary attended Withyham School. There were 27 pupils there so no canteen. The lovely Mrs Vaughan used to arrive with a basket of homemade sandwiches; her speciality was beetroot. Rosemary moved to her secondary school then in Groombridge where she enjoyed life, latterly as head girl and being sent out on jolly errands. The children caught the bus from outside Welfare’s Shop. Sometimes, if the weather was bad, the bus was cancelled and the children had to walk to Groombridge! She finally left aged 16½ when the school itself closed.

During the war, her father was an Air Raid Warden. When there was an air raid, the children hid in a cupboard under the stairs that had a hip bath – full of apples! Her parents were one the few to have a telephone – one of the old candlestick phones with one piece to speak into and another to listen with. Their number was Hartfield 88, and it was much in demand from neighbours asking to use it to ring the doctor; the exchange was at Hartfield.

After school, Rosemary had three jobs. First, for over five years, she worked for an optician in Tunbridge Wells as the receptionist and also as the bookkeeper.  Then, more briefly, at the old Kent and Sussex Hospital on Mount Ephraim. Finally, for all of 37 years, Rosemary worked for a professional photographer in Tunbridge Wells doing a wide variety of administrative tasks. When her boss retired in 2000, Rosemary did as well.

In the early days, Rosemary remembers catching the 8.22am train – steam of course – from Withyham Station. In the winter, if the weather was poor and the train from East Grinstead delayed, the Station Master would tell her to go home and have a cup of tea. Then he’d give her a ring when it was on its way; no one ever missed it. On other occasions, all those waiting would huddle around the fire in his office in the Station. The last train to Withyham was at 11.45pm. Sometimes the Station Master would be asleep and the train driver had to blow his whistle to wake him so he could open the level-crossing gates!

Rosemary met her husband Ken in the 1960s and they were married in 1973. His work as carpet rep. took him all around the southeast, but meant that they didn’t have to move house. Sadly, he suffered a number of years of ill health and died at the end of 2004. Rebecca (‘Becki’) had been born in 1976 and now Rosemary also has a 21-year-old granddaughter, Keara.


Rosemary’s contact with the Church began with her listening to the Sunday Service on the radio, sometimes singing hymns accompanied by her mother on the piano. She joined the Sunday School in Church in the days of Rev. Arthur Miles, graduating to the Choir aged ten and becoming a Bellringer at 13. She rang her first peel (three hours) at the time of her 21st birthday. She was a member of the Withyham Church Choir for 54 years. She also remained a faithful and regular bellringer until 2019, including two spells as Tower Captain. She was also a stalwart at the Fete for many years.

Ken and Rosemary weren’t great travellers abroad, Ken preferring country pubs and a pint. Since his death Rosemary has discovered cruises, including to Russia, Iceland, the Canaries and Croatia: next up, Scandinavia. Like her father, she loves gardening; this and other activities keep her busy and contented.

Richard Standring

Richard came to live at Dacre Cottage in Withyham in 1957 when his parents moved out of London from near Kew Gardens.  His father worked for London Transport and chose Withyham for its proximity to a station to commute from.  It was only a few years later that Dr. Beeching rather spoilt that plan.


After school at Charterhouse, Richard did two years National Service. Although his time didn’t take him anywhere very exciting, he was pleased to have served in the 26th Field Artillery, as they were known as the Sussex Gunners.  His working life was mainly spent with the London Life Association, a mutual life company.  Later he worked in gardens locally. 

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Richard had participated with every kind of sport from his school days, including football, hockey, squash and tennis, but his great love was - and is – cricket.  He joined one of the teams at Withyham soon after arriving in 1958 and never looked back.  A No. 3 or 4 batsman as well as a slow bowler, Richard was the Captain for nearly 20 years.  About ten years ago he was presented with a stump recording his remarkable statistics playing for Withyham: 761 matches, 14,325 runs and 1,177 wickets – WOW!


Richard later went on to serve as Chairman, groundsman and umpire.  The famous West Indian cricketer Sir Learie Constantine played in a charity match at Withyham in 1963.  


Another life-long interest of Richard’s has been music, singing with four local choral societies as well as the Withyham Church Choir.  Richard helped at the annual Fete, for many years doing the commentary.  He also acted in many different roles in the annual Panto.  He was involved with the Kings’ Hall itself, as both Secretary and then Treasurer.


Beagling has been another of Richard’s passions, acting as Master and Huntsman of the Bolbroke Beagles for 15 years.  It was through beagling that he met Renate in the 1990s; “to everyone’s surprise including my own”, they were married at Withyham Church in 2004 and Richard moved to her home at Fairwarp.


Richard fondly remembers the time when the Welfare’s shop and the petrol pump were part of life, with the Riding School and then the Boys Club next to the Pub; and when the old pavilion at the far end of the Cricket Ground fell down, and when the cricket was much more of a focus for the village community. Richard continues to take an interest in locals affairs and recently re-joined the Church Choir.


Susan Derry

Susan was brought up at Fisher’s Gate Cottages with her two older sisters as her father worked for the present Lord De La Warr’s grandfather.

As a child, she went to Withyham School, being driven there with others in a farm vehicle. However, she had to walk back to Fishers Gate - even as a four-year old - unless they were lucky enough to get a lift in a passing Land Rover (it takes an adult half an hour to walk).  The head teacher, Mrs. Gunson, sat at a Dickensian desk with a cane lodged in the ink-well!  Sue describes her childhood as ‘1950s Enid Blyton’ with the children outside making their own amusements, on bikes, making houses in the woods and climbing haystacks in the barn, only returning home for mealtimes.  The farm was a big feature living at Fisher’s Gate, with a constant hive of activity with a herd of Jersey and then Friesian cows.  She remembers leaning over a gate watching a large Sussex Saddleback sow feeding her many piglets.


In those days, the Welfare’s Shop was really the centre of the village; there was a large, old taxi kept round the back that could be ordered at will.  She remembers the local policeman bicycling over from Groombridge, standing and observing life from a safe position, and then biking back again.  The village was better served with activites for young people at that time, with a Youth Group in the Hall as well as Guide packs in both Hartfield and Groombridge.  


After school in Tonbridge, Susan went to work in London, though often returning home for the weekend. Initially she worked for London Weekend Television before spending two years in Montreal in Canada.  On her return in 1976, she applied for a job at Buckingham Place and, to her surprise, got the job just before Queen Elizabeth’s Silver Jubilee.  So began a long career at ‘BP’ which continued until she left after the Golden Jubilee in 2003.  Initially she worked in the Master of the Household’s Department – involved principally with entertaining – and later as assistant to the Communications Secretary who was appointed to run the Press Office after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.


After leaving the Palace, Susan worked in the House of Lords for Baroness Hale, a Law Lord, until the creation of the Supreme Court.  She was then asked to return to the Palace to help with arrangements for the late Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012.


Sue has had the privilege of an almost unique insight into inner workings of the Royal Family over a period of more than 35 years and participated in three of our late Queen’s Jubilees.  She now lives happily in the cottage in which her mother lived until two days short of her 101st birthday.


A Family Tradition:


Every Sunday morning John continues a proud family tradition assisting at Withyham Church.  His grandfather Joseph was the Sexton from 1930-40, living in the western half of Rectory Cottage below the Church. Here he is in c. 1947 – he came out of retirement to dress up especially for the photo shoot. (Left photo)


The same day John’s father, Joseph William, also posed outside the porch in his choir robes.  (Middle photo)


John’s parents had met in London; his father was a builder and later a gardener / handyman. John was born at No. 6 Balls Green in June 1942. He went to school in Withyham until the family moved to Crowborough in 1949.  There he attended Sir Henry Fermor Primary School, before spending two years at Crowborough County Secondary School (now Beacon Academy). Leaving school in 1957, John completed a City and Guilds apprenticeship as a carpenter and joiner, going on to work for Connor Bros in Crowborough for seven years as a joiner. When their business closed, he joined Don Lavington in his small joinery business in Crowborough. He continued to work for him for the remainder of his career, retiring in 2007 after 43 years. John has continued to live in the family home in Whitehill Close for over 60 years.      


After several years attending All Saints Church, Crowborough John was drawn back ‘home’ in late 1990s to the Church where his parents had been married, and where he’d been baptised and later attended Sunday School. He began to take on tasks his grandfather had done before him, being formally appointed Sacristan and Verger in 2012. (Right photo)


As a joiner John has left a remarkable legacy in the interior of Withyham Church: the choir stalls; re-ordering the Sackville Chapel for the choir providing a cupboard for their robes and a hanging cupboard for the altar frontals; the Rectors’ Board on the north wall, (recording my predecessors and patrons back to 1328); the large chest inside main door and the two bookcases; and the two noticeboards in the porch – in all, an extraordinary achievement of high quality craftsmanship.


Some of John’s earliest memories are sitting with his father in the choir stalls during communion and being taken up to the bell chamber and onto the Church roof.  John continues his family’s long record of service to Withyham Church – and we are all very grateful to him.     

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On my continued rambles around the village, I recently met up with another long-time resident. June has the distinction of having lived in two properties on the Buckhurst Estate within yards of each other for the past 65 years.

June was brought up in Crowborough, the fourth of six children, and attended St. John’s School. Her father had various jobs after the war including with the Water Board. Her mother suffered from Spinal tuberculosis and at one stage had to rest on her back for 4½ years. June helped at home before obtaining her first job in domestic service near the Royal Mires.

In those days a highlight for the young were the dances held at the Kings’ Hall – “the best for miles.” June met Eric – though not on the dance floor. He was a plumbing and heating engineer working on the Buckhurst Estate. They were married at Withyham Church in 1958, followed by a reception in the Dorset Arms. Initially they lived in Station Road with Eric’s mother. Then, following a tip-off from the Rector Peter Scott, they moved to Clock Cottage at Buckhurst Park. June used to bicycle through the park to her work in Lye Green.

Nicholas was born in 1961. For 2½ years June helped in the nursery at Buckhurst Park until the arrival of Yvonne in 1965.

The family moved to part of Rectory Cottage – in those days a pair of cottages, with one half occupied by the verger at the Church.  The accommodation was quite small, so June and the growing family were delighted to be offered the Old School House overlooking the Cricket Ground. June is pictured here outside his delightful house that was to remain her home for nearly 40 years.

Eric continued working on the Estate, later also taking on other work. June worked at Duckings for the Cheadle and then Delaney families, and more recently for Ro Goolden at Forge Cottage for 23 years.

They watched the construction of the new Almshouses next to the Old School House. When the Queen Mother opened it on 22nd March 1977, it was Yvonne who was chosen to present the late Queen’s mother with a bouquet.

Eric adored fishing, travelling as far afield as Scotland, and he taught June to fly fish – even though killing anything wasn’t, she says, in her nature. On a particularly successful outing, when asked by an old boy what her technique was, she replied, “standing still, waiting and letting the fish take the fly.” Holidays with the family were mainly spent in Devon and Cornwall, often under canvas, though they did venture to America to visit one of Eric’s sisters. However, as Eric often said, “England is beautiful.”

Locally June helped with the boutique at the Fete and the long-gone Boys Club jumble sales. She remains a faithful member of Withyham Church.

Sadly, in April 1997 Eric died of leukaemia soon after he had retired; he was only 70. His exposure to asbestos and lead roofs was undoubtedly a contributory factor. It was only natural that June later moved literally next
door to the end Almshouse that she had watched being built. She has now been there for over 13 years and has the joy of five grandchildren and five great grandchildren, including Harriet’s son George christened on St. George’s Day this year.

Let Me Tell You A Story – With ALAN RABSON


Alan can almost certainly claim to be the village’s oldest inhabitant or to have lived in Withyham longer than anyone else – probably both. We met recently over a pint at the Dorset Arms and he told me his story.

Alan was born at Inchreed Farm, Jarvis Brook in 1931. He had three sisters, one of whom is still alive. When he was four years old, the family moved to Hadlow Down. During the war, he remembers a doodlebug crashing nearby during Sunday lunch; part of the ceiling came down and spoilt the meal. The solution was to go out a shoot a rabbit instead. He attended Hadlow School, but when Alan was 12 years old the family moved to Withyham.


In the subsequent 80 years, Alan has lived in three properties on Lye Wood Common and four on the Buckhurst Estate. Alan left school at 14. His first job was to keep an eye on four Italian POWs – he was the cheapest Englishman available, being paid 6d a day! 

His next job was working for a contractor at Cowden. Alan had learnt to drive a tractor, passing his test at 16. Jobs included baling hay and working the threshing machine. In 1947 and 1948 he spent 10 days haymaking at Chartwell
and met Winston Churchill on four occasions. At the age of 18 Alan came to work for the Buckhurst Estate in the woods. Because he wasn’t a farm worker, he was called up for National Service aged 20 and spent 20 months with the East Surrey Regiment serving mainly in the Sahara and the Suez Canal. He was known as the best shot in the regiment with both a rifle and a Light Machine Gun.

He and Betty were married in 1956. Trevor was born in 1959 and Paul in 1960. After being demobbed, Alan had returned to the Estate driving tractors and helping with the sheep. When the shepherd died suddenly, he was offered the job with flock of 300 ewes. Alan became an expert shearer, managing a staggering 150 ewes ‘on a good day’, 4-5,000 during the year. Alan was later offered a farm at Lye Green with a colleague. 

Being only 90 acres, it was often a struggle over the 15 years they ran it. Betty sadly died in 2016 just two days before what would have been their 60th wedding anniversary. However, apart from the family – now comprising 6 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren – Alan’s recipe for a long life is to keep busy. Every day he drives from his home, for the last 27 years in the Almshouses, to his workshop in Crowborough at 6am, returning between 1 - 3pm. A remarkable countryman who’ll be happy to tell you a few other stories whenever you have the time.


JUNE NOBLE  at 90 in June

June was born opposite St. John’s Church in Tunbridge Wells, the youngest of three sisters. The family then moved to near the Station. Her father, who had suffered badly in the First World War, died when she was only nine. The family moved to Withyham, two doors from the school, when she was 11. She can remember the Army’s Field Ammo Dump, located where the lower two rows of houses in Balls Green including her own were later built. It was manned by two Italian POWs, one of whom loved singing, including a song from The Marriage of Figaro.

After leaving school at 15, June worked ‘in service’ principally as kitchen staff in a number of big houses, including Clarence House for Princess Elizabeth 1949-1951. Not liking London, she was asked to move to Scotland, to work in Nairn near Inverness. One evening a man called Angus went to a local dance with one lady and left with another... whose name was June! They were married at Withyham Church in 1955, where her parents had also been married.

Once Angus and June’s four children reached a certain age, June went back to work. Arriving at Withyham School as the cook, she was asked to do a six-week course. The tutor had to warn a group of eight participants to ignore the ‘know-all’ Catering Corps sergeant and the other participant. Nine years at school was followed by work as a ‘Home Help’ and then for Lord and Lady De La Warr both at Thatcher’s and then Buckhurst. Happy local memories include Bonfire night with the processions to the Recreation (Cricket) Ground. June worked part-time until she was 80.

Throughout the years June has been a faithful member of the Church, cooking and flower arranging and much else. June has had more than her fair share of family sadness, including Angus’ death at only 68. However, she always remains incredibly positive. She has mastered Zoom Church and often expresses her gratitude to her marvellous friends and neighbours in Balls Green.

Let’s wish this special lady, who moved to Balls Green in December 1955 and has never left, a very Happy
90th birthday on 20th June.

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